Schedule 2022

Wednesday, Oct. 12 | Thursday, Oct. 13 | Friday, Oct. 14

Wednesday, October 12 – MacOdrum Library, Room 252

1:30pm to 4:30pm: Hackfest and More!
6pm to 9pm: Opening reception at House of Targ

Thursday, October 13 – Richcraft Hall, Rooms 2224-2228

8:45 am Breakfast and Registration
9:15 am Welcome and Housekeeping (recording)
9:30 am

Keynote: Dave Binkley Memorial Lecture (recording)

Jordan Hale (The Maintainers, University of Waterloo)

10:30 am Break
11:00 am

BiblioTECH: Building a Collaborative Future-Oriented Instruction Program for Information Studies Students (remote presentation) (recording)

Alisa B. Rod, Carolyn Pecoskie, Kristen Howard, Clara Turp, Robin Desmeules (McGill University), Nadine Desrochers (Université de Montréal)

This presentation will discuss the development and implementation of BiblioTECH, a technology literacy and hands-on practical training program aimed at current information studies students. BiblioTECH is an institution-agnostic program developed by an inter-institutional collaborative organizing committee of practicing information professionals, faculty, and graduate students. 

11:20 am

What if MARC Really Died? Experiences from Using Drupal as a Library System (recording)

Matthew Fesnak (Ontario Legislative Assembly)

Libraries have relied on a handful of catalogue systems since they were introduced in the late 90s, and big change is withheld in order to maintain data structures from these systems. This presentation will look at what it is like to work with Drupal to manage government library records.

11:40 am

Acquisitions Workflows Using Publisher-Supplied Metadata at Library and Archives Canada (recording)

Julie Anne Richardson & Arlene Whetter (Library and Archives Canada)

Leveraging publisher-supplied metadata to efficiently manage digital objects and provide a head start with description has been a long-standing goal at Library and Archives Canada. Join us for a look at how we meet the digital challenge with an inside peek at our systems, metadata transformations and digital object workflows.

12:00 pm Lunch
1:30 pm

IMLS Grant Update – Fedora Migration Paths and Tools: A Pilot Project (remote presentation) (recording)

Arran Griffith (LYRASIS), Robin Ruggaber (University of Virigina), Amy Blau (Whitman College)

This presentation will highlight lessons learned, and discuss the deliverables from the IMLS Grant, “Fedora Migration Paths & Tools: a Pilot Project”. We will showcase the tooling and documentation created to lower the barriers for migrations of all older versions of Fedora to the newest, most robust version, Fedora 6.0.

1:50 pm

Agile Archives: Lessons from a COVID Community Archive project (recording)

Craig Harkema & Jim Clifford (University of Saskatchewan)

Remember and Renew Saskatchewan is an interdisciplinary project funded by SSHRC and CIHR to try and learn lessons from the COVID 19 pandemic in Saskatchewan. This talk delves into the challenges associated with rapidly developing a digital archive for community contributed content, web archives, and social media content throughout the pandemic, with particular focus on what role the academic library plays in such a multifaceted and multidisciplinary project.

2:10 pm

PDF Pitstops in Library Platforms: An Essential Feature for Blind Users (remote presentation) (recording, transcript in MS Word)

Ashley Shaw (Wilfrid Laurier University), Mark Weiler (Wilfrid Laurier University Library), Bart Kawula (Scholars Portal), Matt Thomas (Wilfrid Laurier University), Aneta Kwak (New College, University of Toronto)

University libraries are providing blind patrons with PDFs fraught with obstacles that create second-class reading experiences. Our inter-abled design team responded by conceptualizing a “PDF Pitstop” as a remediation service integrated into library platforms. We reflect on our work so far and call for further action from library employees everywhere.

2:30 pm

Lightning Talks

Converting Archival Description Data to RiC-O (remote presentation) (recording)

Kelli Babcock (University of Toronto Libraries), Ruth Kitchin Tillman, Greta Kuriger Suiter, Elizabeth Russey Roke, Anna Björnsson McCormick & Regine Heberlein

In this lightning talk we will share documented steps to convert Encoded Archival Description finding aid exports – from both ArchiveSpace and AtoM – to test through the publicly released RiC-O Converter. The session will demo conversion steps for EAD finding aids from both platforms. It will conclude with initial lessons learned as well as questions arising from the resulting RiC-O data.

Time to Chain Together for Future: Propose to Build the Canadian Cross-Library Consortium Blockchain (recording)

Wendy Shan (University of Alberta Library)

We are not far from web 3.0. In the age of the co-existence of multiple metaverses, knowledge, which is represented by metadata, is exchanged via different pipelines. Libraries could play a central role in the net of metaverses by guiding the metadata communications, providing consistent yet personalized knowledge acquiring experiences for individual users, and enhancing the creditability of non-fungible token (NFT) preservation. It is time for librarians and programmers collaboratively build the Canadian cross-library consortium blockchain application.

The Metagame: The Librarianship Expansion: the only way to lose is not to play (remote presentation) (recording)

Mita Williams (University of Windsor)

Let’s play a game of The Metagame: The Librarianship Expansion. No, it’s not Cards Against Humanity. This deck variation is based on The Metagame, a game designed to spark winning conversation. In this talk I’ll tell you how I made this game: with nanDeck, the Noun Project, and love.

3:00 pm Break
3:30 pm

Community-Initiated Connectivity Joint Venture Opens the Door to Economic Reconciliation on BC’s Coast (remote presentation) (recording)

Ben Hyman (Vancouver Island Regional Library) & Renée LaBoucane (Strathcona Regional District)

A community-initiated connectivity joint venture is bringing capacity and expertise to bear on a large scale coastal conundrum. As the project advances, numerous opportunities to demonstrably advance Reconciliation are being created. For libraries and the SUCH sector on BC’s coast, Connected Coast is a game changer.

3:50 pm

More Than a Migration: Moving a Library 3D Printing Service Online (recording)

Carey Toane (University of Toronto Libraries), Jiewen Wu (University of Toronto Libraries) & Michael Spears (University of Toronto Academic and Collaborative Technologies Unit)

During the pandemic, 3D printing labs closed, leaving University of Toronto students and faculty emptyhanded. This session describes how a team from University of Toronto Libraries and Academic & Collaborative Technologies created a remote 3D printing service, migrating to an online platform and expanding instruction beyond what was previously offered.

4:10 pm

A Tale of Two Authentication Services (remote presentation) (recording)

Catherine Larson (NYU Health Sciences Library)

Our library serves a constituency with two different authentication services. This presents challenges for patrons that are not always immediately apparent. Learn how the library has navigated authentication issues, solutions that have been implemented to ease pain points, and the path forward as authentication moves away from IP-based access.

4:20 pm Closing remarks and Housekeeping
6:00 pm Thursday dinner at Pub Italia

Friday, October 14 – Richcraft Hall, Rooms 2224-2228

8:45 am Breakfast
9:15 am Welcome and Housekeeping
9:30 am

Keynote (recording)

Shawn Graham, Carleton University

10:30 am Break
11:00 am

Bring Out Your Dead! : Exploring Different Ways to Visualise Family History Data (remote presentation) (recording, link to slides)

Joanne Paterson (Western University)

Genealogy is about documenting bare facts, which can be as dull as ditch water when you try to share that raw data with others. I am experimenting with data visualisation tools, such as TEI, Gephi, and GIS,  to organise and showcase family history data in a hopefully more engaging way beyond the tree graph.

11:20 am

Exploring XR Technologies In Academic Libraries To Support Education And Research (recording)

Michael Carter-Arlt & Fangmin Wang (Toronto Metropolitan University Library)

Extended Reality (XR) technology has been used in education and research for a number of years. In this presentation, we will explore the impacts of specific XR technologies on education and research by providing real world examples implemented by the Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) Library. These technologies include location based AR (Augmented Reality), volumetric video capture, holographic displays, and 360 VR (Virtual Reality) Environments. We will also explain each methodology that was used, and best practices for each technology.

11:40 am

Using OpenRefine to Retrieve Data Through APIs: Examples of Unpaywall and Scopus (remote presentation) (recording)

Jingjing Wu (Texas Tech University)

This presentation uses Unpaywall and Scopus as two examples to demonstrate how to retrieve bibliometric metadata in the JSON format and then parse JSON data to obtain fields of interest. This method can also be used to access data through other web APIs.

12:00 pm

A Recipe for Making MAGic: Leveraging R and OpenAlex to Find a University’s Most “Disruptive” Research (recording)

Jeffrey Demaine (McMaster University)

The Microsoft Academic Graph (MAG) has been shut down, but the “MAGic” continues. This workshop will provide a hands-on demonstration of how to leverage the API of the new OpenAlex database (which builds upon the MAG) from within an R script using the new openalexR package, then to combine the results with the “Small Teams” dataset ( By combining the results, the most disruptive publications from a given university can be identified. This process will be demonstrated live, and the code will be provided so that you can try this at your institution.

12:20 Lunch
1:50 pm

Tech Training: How Two Libraries Support Staff Learning Throughout the Library (remote presentation) (recording)

Allison Jones (Burnaby Public Library), Jeff Narver (Fraser Valley Regional Library) & Devan Mitchell (Fraser Valley Regional Library)

Tired of staff training falling off your to do list? Come learn from two libraries about our different technology training programs: one an annual, hands-on event, the other a low-key biweekly Zoom session. We’ll share how we designed the programs, their strengths and weaknesses, and some key ideas about what makes for good technology training.

2:10 pm

Going Virtual: Pivoting to Remote Moderated Usability Testing During the COVID-19 Pandemic (remote presentation) (recording, slides and usability testing materials)

Sarah Guay (University of Toronto Scarborough), Elizabeth O’Brien & Adriana Sgro

Usability testing is a valuable tool to identify pain points and make improvements to web spaces. But what happens when the established approach gets disrupted by a pandemic? This session explores the methods and experiences of three academic library staff members’ foray into the world of remote website usability testing. 

2:30 pm

Using Omeka S to Build Digital Herbarium Collections (recording)

Qing Zou (Lakehead University)

This presentation is to demonstrate how to use Omeka S to build digital herbarium collections including herbarium images presentation, metadata interoperability, and georeferencing on a map. Omeka S provides a variety of modules and themes which can be utlized and customized for building digital collections. The Vocabularies, Import from CSV, and Mapping modules will be foci of this presentation. Audiences will learn tips about working with modules, themes, and metadata schemes to build digital collections in Omeka S which are crucial to the success of Omeka S sites.

2:50 pm

Sustainable or Sensational? Meeting Emerging Digital Scholarship Needs (recording)

Joel Salt, Darryl Friesen, Craig Harkema, Ahmad Rahman & John Yobb (University of Saskatchewan)

Decreasing budgets and increasing security responsibilities for campuses have forced Digital Scholarship (DS) work to balance security, efficiency, and flexibility. We discuss our use of a centralized system to essentialize effort required for as many DS projects as possible in order to make room for more complicated and specialized projects.

3:10 pm Closing remarks and farewell (recording)