2015 Speaker Bios

IMG_2250Namir Ahmed is the Coordinator for Ryerson Library’s Digital Media Experience Lab. He has a background in Archaeology and Digital Media.



askey-dale-smDale Askey currently serves as the Associate University Librarian for Library & Learning Technologies at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, where he also occupies the role of Administrative Director of the Lewis & Ruth Sherman Centre for Digital Scholarship. He has filled a wide range of roles in libraries; McMaster is the sixth university to employ him, Canada his third country. As an administrator with eroded practical skills, fine motor dexterity is his most useful contribution to any technical project.


Access_IanIan Bigelow is a cataloguer for Georgian College and is the current Chair of the Bibliographic Standards Working Group for Ontario colleges. He has bachelor degrees in mathematics and classical studies from Laurentian University and Western University, where he also completed his MLIS.


Peter Binkley has been the Digital Initiatives Technology Librarian at the University of Alberta since 2001. Before that he completed a Ph.D. in Medieval Studies. More recently, his research focus has been on analog information technologies of the early 20th century. Most of his time is currently devoted to being the team lead on the HydraNorth repository project.


IMG_0395Stacey Boileau is entering her third year at OCLS. Stacey has a unique role in which she sits on both the service and technical team with a hand in many initiatives and projects that involve both core and opt-in services for Ontario colleges. She spends a great deal of her time on ILS support and has become deeply involved with the metadata standards of the colleges’ union catalogue.


Michel Castagné is the Web Initiatives Librarian at the University of Ottawa.


Adam Doan is a Systems Developer at the University of Guelph Library. He’s a coder, problem solver, and self proclaimed techno-wizard. He creates accessible, sustainable solutions for complex problems.


durno-2015-2-400pxJohn Durno is Head of Library Systems at the University of Victoria where he manages the team responsible for building and maintaining the Libraries’ IT infrastructure. Prior to his arrival at UVic in 2006 he worked as a Librarian/Analyst for the BC Electronic Library Network, and before that as a general librarian for the Open Learning Agency. His current research focus is digital forensics/archaeology.


Danielle EmonDanielle Emon has been a cataloguer/systems technician from Loyalist College, Belleville, ON for over 25 years. Danielle is past chair of the Ontario colleges’ Bibliographic Standards Working Group, and currently serves as chair of the Metadata Working Group (one part of the Technical Task Force) for the Colleges eBook Consortium. Originally a graduate of Sheridan College, and more recently of Athabasca University, Danielle has a continuing interest in our changing relationship with communications technologies, and is passionate about keeping resources discoverable as we move from one environment to the next.


farnel_pic_access_2015Sharon Farnel is a Metadata Coordinator at the University of Alberta Libraries. She’s interested in the potential of linked open data for enhancing access to the rich resources in libraries and enjoys the challenge of thinking about metadata in new ways. Her research interests include community involvement in development of culturally appropriate metadata profiles for digital libraries.


DSC_0044Susanna Galbraith is the Virtual Services Librarian at McMaster University’s Health Science Library. She grew up in Halifax, Nova Scotia and envisioned at a young age that her future career would involve computers and books. Susanna’s professional interests include front-end web, web usability, user experience and marketing for libraries.


Goddard_headshotLisa Goddard is the Associate University Librarian for Digital Scholarship and Strategy at University of Victoria. She holds degrees from Queen’s, McGill, and Memorial University, and is currently completing an MA in Humanities Computing at the University of Alberta. Lisa’s research interests include open access publishing, semantic web technologies, digital publishing and preservation, and the digital humanities.


godfreykKrista Godfrey is the Web Services Librarian at Memorial University, where she concentrates on the library website, usability testing, user experience and mobile library resources. Krista is a passionate speaker and has spoken internationally on a wide range of topics. She loves to engage with users, explore emerging technologies, tinker with instructional technologies, and constantly strives to improve the user experience. She has been on the Atlantic Provinces Library Association executive and is a former OLITA president.


Kenton Good is a Systems Librarian at the University of Alberta Libraries. In this position, he manages library digital infrastructure and the Unix system administration team.


portrait-timtom-krak-smallerThomas Guignard is the eBook project manager at the Ontario Colleges Library Service (OCLS). In a previous life, he also majored in Engineering, spent some years as a researcher, and then as an academic librarian in Switzerland. He foolishly believes technology should adapt to humans, and not the other way around.

Gullikson_picShelley Gullikson is the Web, Communications and Interface Design Librarian at Carleton University Library. Prior to this, she worked in various capacities: as a librarian and a web manager in the federal government as well as a reference and information literacy librarian at Mount Allison University, the Ontario College of Art and Design University, and the University of Alberta.


harlow_at_lcChristina Harlow is the Cataloguing and Metadata Librarian at the University of Tennessee Knoxville.  She works with library data, usually but not limited to descriptive metadata. She likes experimenting with library data tools, scripts, and platforms. Talk with her about practical implementations of Linked Open Data.


34c96d9Alan Harnum is a Senior Software Development at OCAD University’s Inclusive Design Research Centre, where he does a mix of operations development, front end development and systems administration support for inclusive software projects. He previously worked at the Toronto Public Library in the web services group. Alan’s interests are strongly (though not solely) focused on applying agile methodologies, open source software, and web and cloud technologies to libraries and other memory institutions, to nonprofits, and to the general public sector. He’s also very interested in the human side of development and operations, the relationship of technology work and technology workers to the larger organization, and the ways in which chosen tools shape and influence the nature of technology work.


Tricia Jenkins is a Digital Initiatives Applications Analyst at the University of Alberta Libraries. Tricia first entered the world of library digitization during a co-op term with Peter Binkley at the University of Alberta where she worked on the Peel Prairie Provinces Project. It’s almost a decade later and she’s returned to a growing team with many new challenges. Tricia hopes to one day complete a Master of Library and Information Science or a similar degree.


Jing_HongJenny Jing has more than ten years of experience working as the Systems Librarian in different organizations including: Queen’s University, Harvard Business School, United Nations and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Her experience includes: migrating ILS systems, building library IR and digital repositories.


1230013_220242594813911_1389438542_nF. Tim Knight has been a cataloguing librarian and metadata specialist since the early 1990’s and is Associate Librarian and Head of Technical Services at the Osgoode Hall Law School Library, York University. Tim is the chair of the KF Modified Committee and editor of KF Modified: KF Classification Modified for Use in Canadian and Common Law Libraries and represents Canadian Association of Law Libraries (CALL/ACBD) on the Canadian Cataloguing Committee. His current research interests include: linked data; machine learning; metadata applications; classification; cataloguing; and, when time allows, writes and plays a little music here and there.


Kendra K. Levine is a research librarian at the Institute of Transportation Studies Library at UC Berkeley. She advocates for open data and open access for all research. She’s also runs the library at Berkeley’s college radio station KALX where she is also a DJ.


Photo for Access 15Alison Neal is a Youth Services Librarian at Vaughan Public Libraries. In this role, she works closely with both children and teens. She’s been at VPL since 2007.


n120806219_2947_400x400Randy Oldham is the Web Development Librarian and Manager of the Library’s Web Team at the University of Guelph. As his title implies, Randy is a maker of websites, a customiser of web interfaces, and a user of Drupal. He is also a staunch supporter of accessibility and a strong believer in equal access.


FullSizeRenderJulienne Pascoe is a Metadata Architect at Canadiana.org. She also teaches the graduate course Digital Applications for Collections Management in the Film and Photographic Preservation and Collections Management program at Ryerson University. A recent graduate from the Digital Stewardship Certificate program at Simmons College in Boston, her focus is on developing access and preservation strategies for digital cultural heritage resources.




Sam Popowich has been the Discovery Systems Librarian at University of Alberta since 2011. Has been programming in Ruby since about 2006.


tara-254x300Tara Robertson is the Accessibility Librarian at CAPER-BC manages alternate format production of textbooks and other course materials for post-secondary students with print disabilities. She also advocates for students with print disabilities and collaborates with other organizations to improve access to accessible materials.


IMG_20150508_161654Dan Scott is the systems librarian at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario. He works towards the freedom of software and data by contributing to projects such as the Evergreen library system and the schema.org vocabulary.



Daniel Sifton is the Coordinator of Library Automation and Technical Services at Vancouver Island University.



twitterSarah Simpkin is the GIS and Geography Librarian at the University of Ottawa and Vice President of OLITA, the Ontario Library and Information Technology Association. She enjoys working on digital projects, data wrangling, and telling stories with open data.



Dina Stevens is a Youth Services Librarian at Vaughan Public Libraries.



HR-Sarah-Sutherland-7Sarah Sutherland is the Manager of Content and Partnerships at CanLII, before that she worked in a variety of libraries, including those in a national full service law firm, the Province of Saskatchewan, the National Research Council, and the Law Society of Saskatchewan. She is interested in developing open data standards to enhance innovation in legal information. Sarah writes regularly on topics relating to libraries, technology, and legal information.


ETripp_headshotErin Tripp is a business development manager for an open source software services company, though she is also trained as a librarian and a journalist. She’s worked on dozens of digital repository projects and is happy share her experiences with linked open data at Access 2015.


fangmin2Fangmin Wang is the Head, Library Information Technology Services at Ryerson University. He has led and overseen numerous innovative library technology projects and initiatives at Ryerson. His most recent initiative, the Digital Media Experience Lab (DME), serves as a venue for experiential learning with new technologies and has become a hub of cross-disciplinary collaboration for academic and extracurricular activities.


robRobert Warren is a research scientist at Carleton University who focuses on linked open data, social network analysis, and knowledge discovery in databases and ontologies. He has previously held research posts in industry, government, and academia in both North America and Europe.


5942606075_2488197631_qMita Williams is temporarily the Clinical Medicine Librarian of the Windsor program of Western University’s Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry. She is also the lead of Open Data Windsor Essex and is a Director of Hackforge, a community-driven hackerspace in Windsor, Ontario.



Sally Wilson is the Web Services Librarian at Ryerson University Library and Archives.



IMG_20140923_213731 (1)Lydia Zvyagintseva recently joined the University of Toronto Scarborough Library as the Digital Scholarship Librarian in the Humanities after spending years on the front lines at the Edmonton Public Library. Her interests include digital humanities, open data, civic technologies, community engagement, and scenic drives through rural parts of New England.